Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Trees Arrived!!

Norwood Gardens is so fortunate to receive many new spring trees! The trucks arrived before 7 AM this morning with equipment to enlarge old tree pits so mature trees will have better living quarters and be able to stay healthy.

Old pits, filled with rubble, concrete and dead tree stumps will be cleaned up, debris removed. Fresh soil will be added so young trees have a healthy start.

Trees are wonderful additions to our neighborhood. They help drain storm water, filter our air of pollution, cool the environment and add so much beauty.

Let's take care of them!
Please help us help them thrive.

Take a moment to keep their home free of litter. Unfortunately some people do not clean up after their dog. Dog dropping are the most harmful as they sit and the chemicals are absorbed by the tree's root system and do not add to a tree's well being. Take a second when you pass by to pick up litter. Add water to quench its thirst so it will grow up healthy and strong.

Treat your new tree well and you will enjoy its beauty and benefits for many years to come.