Saturday, March 27, 2010

Alert! Norwood Gardens Auto Break-Ins

A crime wave of
auto break-ins has hit Norwood Gardens, especially on 35th, 36th and 37th Streets, Last night (March 26th) 4 break-ins occurred, two on 36th Street.

Most of the crimes occur after midnight and target cars with a GPS (or evidence of one) and cars with visible items inside.

If your car has been broken into, file a 911 report. NNA has requested surveillance cameras so who ever is targeting this neighborhood will be caught, therefore the 911 crime reports are very important.

Be aware and be careful. Do not leave anything in your auto. Please be sure to tell visitors from out-of-town not to leave anything in their car.

Below is a flier that was distributed and left on all parked cars and at each home on 36th street by a resident last week. E-mail address on flier for any tips is: