Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Petiton TO 30th Avenue Business Owners: Blocked Communal Easement


Communal road access is being compromised
want to stop cars from parking in community drives

Norwood Gardens homes share two communal thoroughfares, sometimes referred to as easements, right-of-ways, community drives or service alleys. These drives run between 35th - 36th and 36th - 37th Streets from 30th to 31st Avenues. The Norwood easements were built and intended as access roads for residents, Emergency Service Vehicles and sanitation trucks.

When built, the 30th Avenue business properties had garages in back of the buildings. Business owners could use their garages for personal parking. The majority of the buildings on the south side of 30th Avenue, between 35 and 36th Street, no longer have garages. The property owners maximized their usable space and converted garages into business space.

With out a garage for parking, one or two business owners began using communal drives as personal parking spots despite resident protest.

Not only were those parking in the drives causing inconvenience to many people on a daily basis but more critically, the parked cars are blocking Emergency Service Vehicles from entering the drives. Unfortunately the protests,concerns and inconvenience expressed by residents fell on deaf ears.

With the recent accumulations of ice and snow, getting past the parked cars became a huge problem for many people so Norwood residents have put out a CALL TO ACTION and are Petitioning to Stop Cars from Parking in Communal Drives.

Please help support your neighbors and the Norwood community by adding your name to the petition, please include your name and address. In 1 day 30 signatures have been collected. To add your name e-mail us:


Thank you!