Thursday, November 4, 2010

Demapping 36th Street @ 35th Avenue

Astoria residents are very unhappy with the city's plan to close (demap) 36th Street between 34th Avenue and 35th Avenue for the benefit of private enterprise: Kaufman Astoria Studios. Loss of street parking and removing a main thoroughfare will cause additional problems for residents as well as for students attending nearby schools; congestion and more congestion. Then there's inconvenience and the certain quality of life impact on residents resulting from an even bigger, more active studio.

Bringing big business to Astoria is positive and optimistically will provide services benefiting the residents and community at large. As long the studio is a good neighbor and realizes people live near the studio and that late night spots for crews working around the clock and noise from production units would be unwelcome.

If NYC is leasing the street and sidewalks - essentially public easements - for an undisclosed amount until 2049, for the exclusive use and benefit of private enterprise then some of the revenue the city makes should benefit the residents of Astoria by giving back in ways that will improve quality of life. If public areas are taken away a beautiful public space could be provided.
If 40 street parking spots are removed perhaps above ground parking facility will help in a heavily congested area. How about studio tours for families? Currently Kaufman Astoria is not open to the public.

If the demapping is approved, residents hope the studio will be a considerate neighbor.