Thursday, June 18, 2009

NYC Contracted Pruners Hack Back on 35th street

The purpose of City Tree's course:

Street trees enhance the quality of urban life by improving our environment, both physically and aesthetically.
Moreover, a street tree is the only representative of nature to many city dwellers, and thus helps them identify with such issues as habitat loss, destruction of the world's rain forests and the greenhouse effect.

Unfortunately, the harsh environment of New York City's streets greatly diminishes the life span of a tree. The first few years of a street tree's life after planting are the most critical and will often determine it's longevity. With modest amount of care, most of these trees will not only get through this tough period but will actually thrive. In this course, you learn many things about trees including:

*The importance of street trees in an urban environment
*The many problems facing street trees and how to identify and remedy them
*The basic structure and biology of a tree
*How to identify the different species of trees that grow on the streets of NYC
*The agencies to call if you need to report tree problems
*The methods for getting a tree planted in your neighborhood
*What you can do to improve our urban forest

By successfully completing the course and passing a Certification exam, you will be Licensed by the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation and Trees New York as a Citizen Pruner. You will have the knowledge and practical experience to help protect our city's street trees, and thereby provide a great service to our entire community.

Pruners on 35th, 36th and 37th Street are still careless and working too fast to do a proper job. They also don't have the right tools. Smaller trees should be pruned with a hand tools not a chain saw.

Reckless Pruners under contract to NYC!
Honorable Mayor Bloomberg Tree Pruning Program
By Contract For the City Of New York Parks & Recreation
Adrian Benepe, Commissioner.

Norwood's certified "City Tree" Pruner was on hand to help advise against excessive pruning of green branches and recommended removing dead wood. Work being done on 6/17/08 was not skillful. Upcutting on the small branches should have been done with a folding hand saw not a chain saw. This way the bark would have been spared the deep cuts made by the chain saw.