Friday, March 2, 2012

Call to Action!!

36th Street is having a MAJOR CHRONIC DOG POOP problem.
The great news is YOU can help by making a simple call to 311.

Be ready to tell the 311 sanitation specialist:

* Walking patterns of chronic poop offenders
* Time when you suspect walks occur
* Any other information that will help investigators know when and where to be on the look out.

NNA called today re chronic poop problem on 36th Street with big early morning leave behinds.

Please help. If you have anything to add re times, patters, etc. make a quick 311 call. All service requests are kept private. A copy can be e-mailed to and the association will follow up.

Dog poop harms tree's health, is bad for our own pet's health, goes into the water system, is nasty in our neighborhood, tracks germs into our homes. Help Stop who ever is doing this.